iSCSI with Multipathing on RHEL 6
I recently had to
configure iSCSI with multipathing on RHEL 6. It wasn’t too hard and
these instructions will presumably work with other Redhat based
versions & distros
It involves
installing/configuring the iSCSI utilities and then
installing/configuring Device-Mapper. Device-Mapper will
automatically discover devices with multiple paths and creates a
mpath device that can be used to load balance/failover between all
the paths.
1.) Install iSCSI
and Device-Mapper
# yum install
# yum install
2.) Start iSCSI
# chkconfig iscsi on
# chkconfig iscsid
# service iscsi
# service iscsid
3.) Find your
hosts IQN and Update your iSCSI Array
Each iSCSi device
will have a iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN). This name is used to manage
LUN masking on the iSCSI arrays.
# cat
Once you have your
IQN you then need to go to your iSCSI array and carve out the LUNs
you plan to present to the server. You will then need to map the IQNs
to the LUNs to allow the server to see them. How this is accomplished
depends on your iSCSI array and you will need to review it’s
4.) iSCSI
Discovery and Set Automatic Login
Once the server has
been given permission to the LUNs you will need to have the server
perform a iSCSI discovery of the array for it to see the LUNs.
# iscsiadm -m
discovery -t sendtargets -p X.X.X.X
Where X.X.X.X is an
IP address of the iSCSI array. Any IP address that the array uses for
iSCSI traffic should work.
Then configure the
host to automatically login to the discovered iSCSI Array.
# iscsiadm -m node
-L automatic
5.) Check iSCSI
Now check to make
sure the host has logged into the iSCSI Array.
# iscsiadm -m
tcp: [1],4
tcp: [2],3
tcp: [3],1
tcp: [4],2
Above we can see
that we have four paths to the iSCSI Array. In this environment my
RHEL server has a single NIC on the iSCSI network and the iSCSI array
has four NICs. This gives us four paths. If My RHEL server had a
second NIC on the iSCSI network, then I would have eight paths.
If no sessions are
active try restarting your iscsid service.
6.) Create
Multipath Config File
The multipath.conf
file, located under /etc, tells the device-mapper how to do the
muitpathing. It configures such things as the path selector policy,
what devices to include/exlude from mutipathing, if it does failback,
There is a defaults
section and then there should be a device specific section for your
array. The default multipath.conf includes many common arrays, so you
may not need to change much. In my case it didn’t include the HP
P2000 G3, so I did some googling and found some info on HP’s web
site on what I needed to configure.
In any case I
recommend reading the manpath (and for the rest of the
commands/config files also).
7.) Load
Multipath Module and Start Multipath Service
# modprobe
# service multipathd
# chkconfig
multipathd on
8.) Run the
Multipath Command and Check Status
# multipath
# multipath -l
(3600c0ff00010a5ce0102db4d01000000) dm-6 HP,P2000 G3 iSCSI
features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
policy='round-robin 0' prio=-1 status=active
|- 7:0:0:1
sdb 8:16 active undef running
|- 6:0:0:1
sdc 8:32 active undef running
|- 8:0:0:1
sdd 8:48 active undef running
`- 5:0:0:1
sde 8:64 active undef running
(3600508b1001c41183c9ba577f396df7c) dm-0 HP,LOGICAL VOLUME
features='1 queue_if_no_path' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
policy='round-robin 0' prio=-1 status=active
`- 0:0:0:1
sda 8:0 active undef running
Here we can see that
we have two multipath devices, mpatha and mpathc.
mpatha is for the local disk and we can see a single path to sda.
This could probably be configured to be ignored/black listed in the
mutipath.conf. The second device is mpathc and it includes sdb,
sdc, sdd, & sde. These four sd devices each
correspond to an ISCSI path. As shown above my system has four paths
to the iSCSI storage so I have four sd devices. You can also see that
the IO policy is sent to “round-robin” which means that IO is
sent down each of the four paths in a round-robin fashion.
9.) Create File
System and Mount iSCSI LUN
Now you create a
file system and mount the ISCSI LUN like any other disk, simply
whatever mpath device is assigned to your LUN as the target for the
Also when you are
adding the iSCSI LUN to fstab make sure to include _netdev
in the options, this tells the OS that the FS is dependent on
network and needs to be mounted/unmounted after/before networking is
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